Monday, 17 February 2014

Ancillary Text CD Cover Basic Layout


There was one point in history when album artwork was often very excessive and overcrowded; this was to give the band as much of an image as possible bringing in an audience through drawing their eye whilst they look for music. This stage has passed where it is now more popular that artists will release records with minimalistic designs. It could be argued that this style has come as it gives the artist a professional appearance where they do not have to convey a lot of character in their artwork to have an impact, yet simplistic designs may also have a lot of symbolism. 

Where I have picked a minimalistic design for my ancillary text, I intend to convey a lot of symbolism within it including the insert which is found within CD's and some vinyl records. This idea is a postmodern feature found within the alternative-rock culture frequently in bands such as Vampire Weekend, Modern Baseball and also widespread throughout other genre's such as successful Rn B artist The Weeknd. I aim to use my own image in the background so that there is no plagiarism and it has a more personalized style, this will be the same theme as the song Exit Music (For a Film) and the music video. It must be noted that there will be warnings such as 'Parental Advisory' on the front cover of the CD/record if there is explicit language, yet this song/album does not feature a lot so would not contain that warning.


 The back of an album cover can be equally as important as the front. It is a frequent feature that they work in synergy may it be through colour or theme, yet they often keep the simplistic style as it would not match very appropriately if they were both two completely different images. As it is better to not be cluttered with confusing writing and areas that the audience will not take any interest to, it is more appropriate to restrict the information at the back of the record to track-listing and legal information which needs to be there. Miscellaneous pictures from record labels that they have worked with and thank you notes are also conventions of rock albums yet these are often more discrete when the band are more established (often through a major label). It is very likely that the record label will have their image plastered around the covers as they are always looking to be recognised.

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