Singer's Costume #1
The singer in the music video has small segments where he sings along with the lyrics of the song as it plays over the song. This is to mix diegetic and non-diegetic audio with the narrative of the story. It is important that the singer has the visual appeal for the genre of music which the music video is based on.
The singer is often not pictured in a long-range shot which shows what he is wearing, yet it is appropriate to plan the costume if the shots are to change from the initial storyboard. Whilst throughout the shots which the singer features in, he is holding a guitar prop which is playing along with the music; his t-shirt will read a bands name which is related to the alternative-rock genre. This will appeal to the target audience who are fans of Radiohead's music and bands which are similar, also appearing distinctive against the main and subsidiary characters who are more focused in the urban side of society. The t-shirt which he is wearing is likely to be over-sized to match the trends in that industry, it may also be interpreted as mocking the trends of the main characters (although it has been adopted to the alt-rock section of music).
The costume also includes drainpipe jeans which are extremely tight skinny jeans for those unfamiliar. This is because this is a large trend in those who eagerly follow the genre. It will appear distinctive in the singers costume compared to the tracksuit bottoms and baggy jeans worn by all the characters shown in the narrative. Yet, this offbeat change is to show that the narrative is not linked with the lives of those creating the music and that they may not condone it.
Finally, the singer's costume ends with formal shoes which are shown in bands such as The Strokes and also Radiohead themselves to be a large part of the image used by alternative-rock bands. This also connotes that the singer and perhaps other members of the band have more taste and social class than those who are shown drug dealing and drug abusing in the music video.
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