Thursday, 19 December 2013


Main Character #1

The lead character, shown on the storyboard above (on the right), is played by Sam Potter. Without  much experience in acting, Sam assists in acting in the music video through a relative interest in the creation of these texts. Sam is 20 and currently not in education, this suits the age range in which the lead character is set around. He presents a similar dress sense to the characters who had their costumes drawn up which is ideal when preparing for a shoot.

Main Character #2

The secondary lead character shown above is played by Jonny Brown. Jonny is 18 years old and also out of education which means that they both have flexible hours for shooting the film. Although he has not previously studied media, following an English course he had experienced a range of media texts which assists him in knowing the basic features of filming. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Shoot One

Date: 15/12/13
Actors: Sam Potter, Jonny Brown
Equipment: DSLR camera, Video camera, Tripod
Props: Fake drugs (created with salt), Bags

The first shoot took place on the Sunday 15th December (2013) where I decided to film a middle section of the music video. This included shots 19 - 30 on the storyboard as they featured the two main characters who were free on the day which I chose to record this section. Before I had arranged to film this shoot, I investigated weather reports which said that it would be around 6 - 8 degrees on that day which was ideal considering the poor weather that has been in Driffield around the time. I then decided which shots would be most appropriate for the date of filming and began planning how to conduct the shots.

I started filming from shot nineteen which showed Sam (the main character) running towards Jonny's (secondary character) house. For the purposes of filming, Jonny's house was mine as it would be easier to get the most amount of shots filmed there. This was filmed multiple times from a range of angles as faster editing would convey the character's urgency to reach the house to tell him of the danger which they may face. I begun filming the running from the tripod across the road, this showed a long range shot of Sam running a small distance. I then felt that a handheld shot of him running would make the scene somewhat more realistic as the cinematography shows the rush that the main character is in whilst on drugs. There are few shots which follow after of Sam running which are shown from a steady angle with the tripod with his back in the shot. This is to create the idea that as a viewer, we are watching him from behind as we are not in the same rush that he is, it also makes it seem that he is running at a very fast pace.

Whilst filming this footage, I had a lot of ideas running through my head about making the main character appear to be in a panicky state. Luckily, Sam was very good at acting out distressing emotions towards the camera to make the footage appear realistic. When the shots shown at the doorstep of the secondary main character's house were done, it is the body language and facial expressions of the main character which make the scene show a degree of verisimilitude. In terms of cinematography, the shots begin with a back shot of Sam knocking at the door as if we, as a viewer are stood there with him. This changes to a close up of him looking very worried and paranoid as if something could go wrong at that very minute. When he realizes that nobody is answering the door, the knocks become more vicious and urgent. This is shown effectively through a medium close-up which shows his clenched fist making it look as if he is doing a very loud knock. The extreme close-up of his head against the glass door makes his emotions seem clear when watching the video as he appears to have given up all hope.

When he tries forcing the door open to get to the secondary character, the door was left open whilst we were filming so that the door didn't actually break. Because of this, the shot took a lot of retakes to make it look like he was genuinely breaking the door down; this meant that the door had to open at a specific speed. The main character finally reaches his friend in the next scene to find him overdosed on the drugs whilst laid on his bed. This is effectively shown by an over-the-shoulder shot leading to an extreme close-up of him laid on his bed appearing to be lacking much life. Sam is then shown trying to wake him up but he appears to be dead. When the scene in my room was filmed, I used the tripod whilst on a stool to get the over the shoulder/two shots flawless. This is because the main character, Sam, is over six feet tall which made it hard to shoot when the tripod only reaches around three/four foot. I also had to carefully consider the lighting in my room which felt more appropriate to use smaller lamps as the main lighting was far too dark to make the shot work with the other ones filmed. The scene ended with an extreme close-up of the drugs on a desk in the room. For mise-en-scene purposes, I shot the CD case with the white powder on next to a sticker and patches of tobacco to convey the characters' messy personality more. For future filming, I am using the same pile of white powder to create recognition throughout the music video.

Monday, 16 December 2013


The locations which are used in my music video are all based in the market town of Driffield where I live. I think that this is a reasonable setting as having lived there my entire life; I know that there are a lot of drug abusers and dealers which live here. With this in mind, verisimilitude is created through my product to reflect the natures of what could happen at any time within this town. I chose the settings carefully to show certain areas which are derelict or generally notorious for drug abusers; however there are shots in the text which are in developed areas such as mine or one of the actor’s houses.

The secondary main character returns to his house after they pick up the drugs in the first shots, these will be filmed in my own house. Although it does not have the appearance of a person who would use drugs’ house, I plan on strategically framing the shots so that this is not obvious. When the secondary character is being filmed in the room, I intend on using dim lighting which does not show how big the room is. To use the appropriate mise-en-scene for the character, I am going to make the room appear messy to indicate that the character does not care for organisation. The location is appropriate for filming as there are a lot of choices for lighting which means that I will not have to bring exterior lights to create the effects which I want to bring on my finishing product. There is also a large mirror in my room which can be used perfectly to film the shot where he is staring at his reflection following the actions which he had just taken. This seemed like a better setting for the secondary characters’ house as it will be more flexible to film in than elsewhere.

Following the shots filmed in the secondary characters’ house, the same drugs are then shown in the primary characters’ house to show that they have both received the same batch. These shots are filmed in a different location in the actor who plays the secondary main character’s house. Although these shots do not show a lot of the setting, it seems appropriate to film in a separate house as a following shot shows the character leaving the setting where the narrative unfolds further. 

The music video often follows the conventions of alternative rock videos by showing the band playing along with the music throughout different breaks in the narrative. This features an actor playing the vocalist Thom Yorke as he strums on his guitar alongside the song which plays in the background. This part of the music video is filmed in my living room which is appropriate through the lighting options which are available. Applying this to the filming will assist the mise-en-scene in creating a doomy atmosphere which works in synergy with the music that I have chosen. Using this setting will also distinct away from the gritty atmosphere which is provided in the initial narrative and show that the band are not associated with this type of lifestyle, but merely performing a biopic on the idea. 

Between shots fifth teen to eighteen, the main character gets stopped by the superior drug dealers. The setting for this would primarily have to be an urban setting, however to match the settings for the rest of the music video it is on a road which mixes urban influences with the standard suburban living set-up. As a result of this, I’ve decided to film it on Woldholme Avenue in Driffield. This is an area which is rarely busy which is ideal for filming the shots which I have decided on, it would also help to avoid suspicion of genuine danger happening in the community. 

This area is additionally used in the climax of the narrative where the main character is shown drug dealing to an extra followed by the confrontation of the main drug dealers which occurs in the final scene. Although it is not noticeably the same area, I plan on using the bottom of Woldholme Avenue for the climax which has graffiti ridden walls which could be used for mise-en-scene purposes of making the area appear rundown. This is also in the vicinity of an alleyway which I plan on using for the shot involving a drug deal; usage of this setting enhances the stereotype of which alleyways often connote. Further down the alleyway, there is a cul-de-sac which is convenient for the ending where the main character gets shot by the drug dealer. This will ensure that there is minimal disruption during the filming and is in an open space which is ideal for testing camera angles and framing.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Prop List

In the shots which involve the two main characters driving away and when the drug dealers confront the main character about what they owe him, a car is needed as a prop. Two of the actors which are involved in the music video own cars and are licensed to drive therefore this is easily achievable. To maintain health and safety whilst filming, I am assuring that the actors pictured driving are only those who are legally allowed to drive and insured. The usage of cars in these shots is necessary to progress the narrative and enable character development through the condition that the cars used are in. As young drivers, the price of insurance is very high which means that they own ‘novice’ cars. Although the age of the characters taken from the narrative is not clear, usage of mise-en-scene will convey that they are all under the age of 23. 

Smoking Paraphernalia

In the sixth shot, the secondary character is shown smoking cannabis from a ‘bong’ in his room. I intend to obtain this prop through borrowing one from a friends’ shop which sells smoking paraphernalia, although upon filming it will only be implied that it is being used and no cannabis will be involved. I feel that it is necessary to use this prop in a shot as it establishes the lifestyle that these characters lead on a day-to-day basis and their casual attitudes towards it. Further in the narrative, the character which is shown taking drugs in this shot dies from an overdose. The usage of the prop reinforces the fact that he is a troubled person who feels reliant on drug abuse. 

Fake Drugs

Many of the shots based on the main characters receiving these drugs from the main drug dealers feature frames of white powder and small bags placed on a table. Namely, shots seven and eight show a large amount of these drugs placed on a table. Shot eight shows the drugs in the other main characters’ house as he takes them, for both of these shots fake drugs are needed to create the illusion that they are users. This will be mostly a mixture of crushed up sugar granules to make sure that if anything is accidentally inhaled, it will not be harmful for the actor. 


In the finale of the music video, there are shots which involve the main drug dealer murdering the main character for owing him money. This shows the drug dealer grabbing a gun from his trousers and shooting the main character as he is running from a distance. The decision to have this prop came from past research of companies such as BARB and BBFC who assess a small amount of music videos when broadcasted on film. It is noticeable that they have banned or cut graphic violence from music videos which would have to be considered if the music video was to be broadcasted. From this, I decided that a shooting with a gun would be less graphic than a stabbing or anything which may have been more realistic. From when I was young, I own toy guns which could be used to create the illusion of a real gun. 


Often in the music video, there is a break from the narrative where a musician plays along with the song in the background. This feature is used to create the impression of a lot of other alternative-rock music videos which are currently in circulation. For these shots, a guitar is needed to make the actor appear to be a real musician; I own a reasonably professional guitar which would be appropriate for this filming. Along with the costume that the actor who plays the singer from Radiohead will be wearing, verisimilitude will be created through the appearance of a musician.  

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Singer's Costume

Singer's Costume #1

The singer in the music video has small segments where he sings along with the lyrics of the song as it plays over the song. This is to mix diegetic and non-diegetic audio with the narrative of the story. It is important that the singer has the visual appeal for the genre of music which the music video is based on.

The singer is often not pictured in a long-range shot which shows what he is wearing, yet it is appropriate to plan the costume if the shots are to change from the initial storyboard. Whilst throughout the shots which the singer features in, he is holding a guitar prop which is playing along with the music; his t-shirt will read a bands name which is related to the alternative-rock genre. This will appeal to the target audience who are fans of Radiohead's music and bands which are similar, also appearing distinctive against the main and subsidiary characters who are more focused in the urban side of society. The t-shirt which he is wearing is likely to be over-sized to match the trends in that industry, it may also be interpreted as mocking the trends of the main characters (although it has been adopted to the alt-rock section of music).

The costume also includes drainpipe jeans which are extremely tight skinny jeans for those unfamiliar. This is because this is a large trend in those who eagerly follow the genre. It will appear distinctive in the singers costume compared to the tracksuit bottoms and baggy jeans worn by all the characters shown in the narrative. Yet, this offbeat change is to show that the narrative is not linked with the lives of those creating the music and that they may not condone it. 

Finally, the singer's costume ends with formal shoes which are shown in bands such as The Strokes and also Radiohead themselves to be a large part of the image used by alternative-rock bands. This also connotes that the singer and perhaps other members of the band have more taste and social class than those who are shown drug dealing and drug abusing in the music video. 

Secondary Character's Costumes

Antagonist Costume #1

This costume is for the antagonist who the main characters owe money to. They appear in the first half of the music video in the shot where the main character is walking down the road when he is confronted by the drug dealers and again at the end of the video where he shoots the main character. This character is one of the two who talk to the main character about what they owe them, yet the other character is not shown properly in the shot therefore a full costume is not necessary (although what is shown, his costume will be similar to this).

Firstly, the character's costume includes a crew neck sweater which is distinctive against the other two characters hoodies. This is most likely going to be black or a darker colour to indicate that he is a bad person who gets involved with negative scenarios. However, a branded crew neck normally shows more social class than a hoodie which shows that he has more money although he may not be a better person than either of the primary characters. 

The antagonist also wears fitted jeans which give him the appearance that he cares more for what he looks like than the two primary characters. The jeans also give appeal for the target audience of the music video as skinny jeans are often worn by those involved with the alternative-rock genre. In addition, the antagonists' costume also involves footwear which are renowned as more expensive to show his wealth compared to the likes of the main characters battered canvas shoes. 

Main Character's Costumes

Main Character #1

This is the main character who the story is mainly focused on played by Sam Potter. Although his costume does not match the attire of which most alternative rock bands use; the music video narrative follows a group of urban teenagers as they get into trouble with drug dealers who they owe money to. The narrative accommodates the ideology that a lot of alternative rock fans who take part in the culture have a negative opinion on stereotypical people who take drugs such as 'chavs'.

The first part of the costume which seems essential is a hoodie with the hood up. This is because there are many connotations of the hoodie which convey criminal behavior, more so when the hood is up to cover their identity. This first part of the costume does not need to have any specific logos or brands on it as the item of clothing in itself allows an audience to create an impression. However, brands such as Nike, Adidas and Reebok further these stereotypes further so I am going to obtain one of these hoodies from either an actor or myself. 

The costume also includes jeans which aren't of any precise fitting (such as skinny jeans). This is because the urban appearance that this character is representing stereo typically only wears baggier jeans. Baggier jeans in this character's case also convey more laid back attitudes and less of an effort being put into his appearance. 

Finally, the costume is finished with big shoes such as Nike Air Max or skateboard branded shoes. This shows that the character may be laid back and mischievous but still cares for certain aspects of his style sense. Shoes which are well known to be more expensive also show that he has a degree of wealth, even though this may not be big as he is resorting to drug abuse.

Main Character #2

This is the initial costume ideas for the second main character who suffers an overdose at some point during the narrative. The costume for this character is similar to that of the main, this is primarily because they belong in the same style and social group. Although this character does not survive through the complete narrative, he is a significant role throughout the first half of the music video.

As the two main characters are close friends, to create verisimilitude they wear similar clothes (I also intend to recreate this through non-verbal communication/body language). Starting from the top, his first part of the costume is a snap-back cap. This is because they are very common in urban culture and show that the character is of a younger age. The hat will have a slogan on the front which is popular in this area of society.

The character also wears a hoodie which does not have any branding on. This is to show that he is not overly observant on brands and appealing to his peers, but more interested in spending his money on drugs. His costume also includes tracksuit bottoms which match the image which the two characters create. This is because the general stereotype for 'chavs' and people of their relation is that they often wear tracksuit bottoms and sportswear often. This also indicates his casual attitudes towards their lifestyle and his social class (not being able to afford trousers or jeans - this is open to interpretation through his drug abuse). 

Lastly, the character's costume includes general canvas shoes. This is to be obtained through the most worn-out shoes one of the casting members owns which can connote the characters lack of caring. The idea for this is to not include a large amount of branding on the characters appearance, but make him appear to be somebody who does not mind what others think about him. 

- These costumes will later be posted on the blog when the images are gathered.